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Monday, July 1, 2024

A close friend who emails me quite often, suddenly had a brain fart and sent some emails (that were actually of a rather confidential matter) to a wrong email address for me, so I googled the address to see where those emails were going and it looks like they went to a Janet McVickar in Santa Fe, NM.

But in the process of googling, about the third hit down on the list of references was this link: 

Brought back a lot of memories, some good, mostly bad, but not awful. Anyway, I just thought I'd link to it here as much for posterity as any other reason. 

Posterity, but a sustained loss of Prosperity. Sorry Cheryl! Sorry, family! (You're welcome, America?)

Probe this

Not sure if I ever posted a link to  this  column published in the Daily Local that I wrote back in August of 2021 titled " Probing the...