Updating my list of suggestions for the Democratic Party on how to win future elections.
Democrats will:
1 –Aid and protect you with:
- better access to affordable health care
- free hands-on job-training in the fields of plumbing, electrical, mechanical, HVAC, etc.
- free adult education of any kind, including
- classes on job-related computer
skills, from spreadsheets to coding
- classes at community colleges or
job-training-related adult evening classes at local high schools
2 - Reduce the strangulating power that corporations have
over our lives that keep all of us from a better life
3 - Reject corporate welfare (subsidies and tax credits to companies and industries unrelated to the common good)
4 - Incentivize corporations to share their profits with
their workers
5 - Cut off the limit on employer contributions to your
personal Social Security fund and reinstate the social security tax for earners
over $150,000
6 - Put American citizens’ needs ahead of anyone entering
our country illegally
7 - Limit the power of investment houses to buy up houses
and hold them from the market in order to force an increase in the price of housing
8 - Pass laws requiring term limits for all federal and
state level politicians
9 - Institute age-limits for Supreme Court justices
10 - Nominate justices who will overturn Citizens United
reducing the role of money from billionaires and corporations in politics
11 - Only involve our military fighting wars that have an
impact on our own national security
12 – Reduce unnecessary overseas military installations and
use the money to strengthen our factory towns
13 – Commit to a full audit of the nation’s drinking water
systems and make repairs a top priority, giving everyone access to clean water
14 - Oppose hate speech against people who
have different political opinions from ours, no matter how much we disagree. Our fellow American citizens are
not the enemy within.
15 - Will do everything we can to keep the government out of
your life…unless you actually need or want its help. If the private sector can
do it better and for less cost, the government shouldn’t be doing it at
16 –Will give special attention to supporting small
businesses, which create more jobs than all the Fortune 500 companies combined.
This includes removing burdensome regulations and unnecessary
government-imposed requirements
17 – Will make sure all spending on our national defense is
spent efficiently and is directed toward the most up-to-date weaponry
18 – Make sure our veterans have access to free mental
healthcare for life
19 – Give incentives to corporations of any size to provide
free onsite childcare
And 20th, never forget to remind people how wonderful they are. The best of what makes America great isn’t based on how we vote. It’s
what we do every day regardless of our party affiliation: getting our kids off
to school, shopping, making dinner, going to religious services, volunteering
at the food bank, cutting the grass for a sick friend or neighbor regardless of
what their voter registration card says, caring for our elderly parents, and
yes, maybe even running for public office.
As James Brown said, “People feel you before
they hear you.” I have plenty of people in my life whom I love and respect, who
are thoughtful, loving, supportive people…who vote straight Republican, yes,
even including for Donald Trump. We need to validate, and try to understand, their feelings and beliefs, just as we’d ask that they do the same of us.