A Valen-timely message for my girl

I realized the other day, as I heard someone pontificating at great length, that the longer someone talks, the less I hear them.

And later, as I was reveling in my proud observation, I pondered it further to realize that it's also true of food - the longer I eat something that I really love, the less I appreciate it.

I went on to realize it applies to a great many things - when I bought my first house, I remember sitting in my car in the driveway and looking up at it in wonder; when I first buy a car, I love admiring it and discovering new things I love about it; when I stare at beautiful scenery, same thing; but eventually in each case the beauty and my wonder and my admiration begins to fade.

But...I then went on to realize that the longer I live, the more I like it and the less I take it for granted...and the more I want of it.

And the longer I'm a dad, the more I recognize after 21 years of it, that it's my favorite thing ever.

And most importantly, the longer I am married to Cheryl McVickar, the more I appreciate and admire her, the more I discover more reasons I love her, the less I take her for granted and the more I realize that she is my favorite person ever.

I love you, Cheryl McVickar. Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. This is so beautiful!

    I remember the concept of diminishing returns being explained in a college economics class. The example they gave was eating ice cream...

    I am also very lucky in that the longer I'm with Mark, the more I love him. It's such an incredible gift.


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