Random Thoughts from having extra time in retirement to think about such pressing issues


Hard to believe some people seem to be more in favor of banning books in schools than banning assault weapons in schools.

A few years back, the media was obsessed with North Korea's missile tests. Per the NY Times, "North Korea launched its boldest missile test in years (and its seventh this month)." But the MSM has moved on to being obsessed with an equally non-relevant (to our lives) issue - Russia's military buildup along the Ukrainian borders. Would newspapers go out of business if they didn't have covid, crime and the Ukrainian mess to cover, not to mention repeating the same storylines on Trump's crimes over and over from "new" perspectives?

News Item: LA Rams are favored to win the Super Bowl by 3.5. I'm all in on the Bengals but honestly, were I a betting fellow, and I kinda wish I were, I'd go heavily on the LA squad.


- If you say something is remarkable, isn't that redundant?
- If you mention something after you say "Not to mention...", are you a liar?
- If you finish a sentence that starts with "Not to interrupt, but..." are you a hypocrite?
- And why do worthless and priceless have opposite meanings?


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