Here are things I think about...but refuse to Google
- Why
are some words bad? Bad parenting probably.
- Why
do words hurt? Seems just like getting punched in a sore spot, the more tender
you are, the more they hurt.
- Why
do we say things to hurt?
- Why
are there silent letters? That’s just dum.
- Do
antelopes eat cantaloupes?
- How
do trees get so tall just from dirt, water, sun and a tiny acorn?
- Why
do we stop growing? (No fair referencing my belly!)
- What
is it about music that we love so much?
- Why
doesn’t all our hair grow like the hair on our heads?
- Why
don’t trees leave a massive indentation in the earth where they grow from,
after having sucked out all the nutrients?
- If
the water cycle is a fact, how and why can we run low on water?
- Why
do we use big words when little ones will do?
- How
can the US ban the sale of semiconductor chips to China, when we bought them
from Taiwan in the first place? And isn’t that ban all the more reason for
China to invade Taiwan?
- At
the equator, the Earth moves at around 1,000 miles per hour due to its
spin. And they tell us that we don't feel the Earth spinning because it
rotates at a constant speed, and we are moving with it. So why would I
fall off the top of a moving car if I'm moving with it?
- If
you had a choice between never feeling emotional pain or physical pain the rest
of your life, which would you choose?
- Do
males or females change more (in all ways other than physically) between the
ages of 13 and 31?
- If
you add zero to any number, did you add anything to it?
I'm done. I hope I didn't add nothing to your
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