Every now and then, a blogger on Dailykos lists some of his favorite signature lines---aka the links, quotes, or other words of wisdom that some add to the bottom of their comments  --- that he's come across.

I see them and I think - I wish I'd thought to say that! Here are my faves from the most recent list:
- I don't mind if you're straight. Just don't flaunt it in public. (Chrisove)

- I can think of no more stirring symbol of man's humanity to man than a fire engine. -- Kurt Vonnegut (SteelerGrrl)
- Lanza's mom had..an ar-15...Glock 20...Sig 9mm...nine full 30 round ammo clips...my mom has..cookies. (Arrow)

- You can safely assume you have created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. --Anne Lamott (zooecium)

- Minority rights should never be subject to majority vote. (lostboyjim)

- The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. -- John Kenneth Galbraith (richardak)

- Give blood. Play hockey. (flycaster)

- liberal bias = failure to validate or sufficiently flatter the conservative narrative on any given subject (RockyMtnLib)

- Send your old shoes to the new George W. Bush library. (maxschell)

Here's mine:

 - Jamie


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