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Thursday, April 29, 2010

OK, so I was wrong, but hey, so was the President!

There are two things about this post that you'll probably never see again, well, at least not in the same post:

1 - I was wr...wr...wroo...wrong.
2 - So was our amazing President.

Two weeks ago, I had shocked some of my left-leaning friends by saying I agreed with Obama's decision to approve Off-Shore Drilling.

Obama, on April 2: "It turns out, by the way, that oil rigs today generally don’t cause spills. They are technologically very advanced."

We were wrong. Figures it would come from doing something that would please our Republican friends that would turn out to be so wrong. :-)

But wait - I thought the Conservative Media told us the stimulus hadn't worked?!

Two reports confirm economy is improving

INDICATOR: March new home sales up 26.9 percent

New home sales surged in March and that was a real surprise. With so many foreclosed homes on the market, it was assumed that builders would have problems moving the product.

But in the scheme of trends, this is another indication that economic conditions are firming and investors should feel good.

INDICATOR: March durable goods orders

Durable goods orders are the key to the economy. If these costly products are in demand, it can only follow that the economy is moving forward. That seems to be happening.

Another very positive sign was the non-defense, non-aircraft capital goods number, which represents business capital spending. This jumped for the second consecutive month.

MARKETS AND FED POLICY IMPLICATIONS: Forget the headline number, this was a very good report. We are seeing growing demand for big-ticket items and it is broad based. Firms are investing and inventories are rising, and that can only bode well for future growth.

Right now, the economy looks pretty good.

Shirley you can be Frank with me

Did ya ever wonder why when someone starts a sentence with "Needless to say..." they say it anyway?

Whenever someone says "Honestly..." or "Frankly..." or "To tell the truth..." or my favorite "To be really honest with you..." it makes me think they aren't telling the truth the rest of the time.

Have you ever been Frank with someone?

And if you are feeling Randy, that's your business, but you can just keep the details to yourself, thanks.

I mean, even if it has all been with m'lovely!

 We've all heard the expression,  "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." I'm just wondering if it's okay ...