
Showing posts from December, 2020

Colorful opinions

My sister Sherry sent me an article last summer on race relations and after thanking her for the article, which I wish I could link to here because it would give the thoughts below better context but which I have long since tossed, I wrote her this, well, much of it anyway. I've added a few thoughts, acknowledging that any time someone talks about racism, the first thing that needs to be done is to define our terms: 1 - Pretty much all of us of any color/race/background are racists.  2 - That doesn't mean that all of us discriminate or treat people worse based on their race. 3 - But it does mean we treat them, or at least see them, differently. 4 - There is no such thing as reverse racism. There's only racism. 5 - Doesn't matter who is or isn't racist, or who does or doesn't discriminate, as long as the system is racist, which it clearly is . 6 - The single best way to address racism is improved educational opportunity for minority students...or better - equal e