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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Hows and Wise


My most recent conclusion about how and why people vote:

Republicans vote with their pocketbooks.

Democrats vote their values.

In other words, if you vote based on the values attributed to Jesus in the Bible, you'll vote Democrat.

And when, not if, the Dems lose the House tonight, and likely the Senate as well, the navel-gazing will begin, analyzing how and why Dems didn't and aren't connecting with moderate (non-MAGA) voters. 

Here's my (overly simplistic) take. It comes down to two words:

Free Stuff

If you support the idea of the government giving people Free Stuff - stimulus checks, welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, even including affirmative action and minority set asides, things you didn't earn or work for - you are going to vote Democrat.

If you hate that the government gives people Free Stuff, especially if it isn't coming to you, you vote Republican.

And that second category includes most of the people who decide elections.

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