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Thursday, October 18, 2012

All I want is this one thing, and nothing else! Well, and this paddle game! I need that!

When I was around 12 years old, give or take a bunch of years, but since Trev is 12, I'll go with that, my Mom told me she only had one request for me that she wanted me to keep to, the rest of my life.

And that request was that I never ride a motorcycle. And so far, with the exception of one time when my neighbor friend Stuart Quillman took me out for a spin through the fields along Black Horse Road, which may have happened before, or possibly to inspire, Mom's request, I've kept to her request.

Over careful consideration and much discerning over the past weeks or maybe even even longer, I think I have one request for both my kids, and Trev in particular, given the predilections of other teens I've seen, and that is to not get high any more than once a week at the very, very most.

From what I've seen in other teenage (and older) males I very much care about, it has hurt them in so many ways, almost to the point of keeping them from being productive members of society, and I don't just mean in the capitalist sense. I also mean in terms of relationships with family and starting a family. And it just rips me up inside. They are such amazing kids, on so many levels, but there is one thing I can see (though conceivably there are others) that has held them back, and that is their love of getting high, in any of a number of ways.

As for Emma, my main request is that she not marry, or get in a long term relationship with, a dolt. Set your standards high, Emma, as you already do for all of us lucky enough to be in your life!

I read recently a great quote: "Kids don't always listen, but they do always see." I just hope they're looking at the right people.

I love you, Trev and Emma!

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