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Thursday, March 1, 2012

But you'll need to remind me when I get to that age because I probably won't remember this or anything else, for that matter, by then

An update to the post I made a few weeks ago involving advice to married men on sex: I got a few good responses, one of them from long-time family friend Nancy A. - one of my mom's best friends, and you can see it attached to the original post somewhere down below. It was very validating. It also reminded me how much my mom would have loved to read it and anything on here...not that I would have wanted to talk with her about some of the posts - ick!

Another great response sent directly to my email was from my wife, who also pretty much agreed with what I'd written, but once she was finished writing me 3 paragraphs on it, added as a PS: "And I meant to tell you that I'm seeing a trend in your blog posts:  They all seem to involve (in some way) short skirts, long legs and high heels.  Or is it just me? ;-)"

So I wrote back and asked if I should scale back such references, to which she replied: "Na, don't let up on the short skirts.  But one down side to getting older- you may get the reputation as a d.o.m.  (dirty old man...) "

Wow, what a concept, but yeah, I can see what she means. I'd posted a link to my blog on facebook after I'd written that particular post, something I try not to do too often, not wanting to be seen as an unQuakerly self-promoter. and when I checked this site soon thereafter, I saw the location of one particular reader being in a place where I am 90% sure it was a very attractive young female teen from Meeting, who might have seen my link of Facebook and I wondered what might have gone through her head as she read it...or started to, before she got too revulsed by its directness about old married folks in their 40's and 50's having sex.

And I wondered - exactly what is the cutoff after which one becomes a "d.o.m."? Is there an age where we old dudes are no longer allowed to think about, or worse, talk or write about such things? Or is it age-relative? Are we all only allowed to write about women within a 10 year radius of our current age?

But then there must be a cutoff, so that when we get to a certain advanced age, let's say age 70, when the idea of sex becomes unacceptable in any thought/discussion/essay/post.

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