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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Make that 5 times

My friend Jim Daly's prediction for this baseball season:

"Phils will have some tough times this year, and the press and public will frequently panic and yell and scream.  But in the last 6 weeks, their pitching will be a huge advantage, and they will win the division again.  Of course the Marlins will go 87-75, get the 2nd wild card, and win their 3rd WS without ever winning a single division.  Some good fan will assassinate Selig, and in his honor, baseball with expand the playoffs to 8 teams in each league, and they will play for the Selig Trophy, a giant penis with a bad haircut, for the rest of our lives."

I've read that 4 times now, and have laughed out loud each time.

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