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Monday, June 20, 2011

Not exactly, but he did go in to the bar to get toasted

So we're eating an awesome Father's Day dinner last night when Trev asked me to tell a dumb joke, because it's Father's Day and everyone has to laugh at my jokes, and when I can't think of one, Trev tells this one:

A sandwich walks into a bar and sits down and as the bartender walks by, he orders a beer but the bartender ignores him. Figuring he was hard of hearing, the next time the bartender walks by he said it a little louder, but again he was ignored.

This went on a number of times, when finally, the sandwich reached across the bar and grabbed the bartender by the collar and said, Why won't you get me a beer?! to which the bartender said "Sorry, we don't serve food here".

(Actually, when Trev told the joke, he gave the punchline as "We don't sell food here." :-( )

When it was clear that Emma didn't understand the joke, Cheryl started to explain it to her by telling her how there was a time when black people didn't get served at some restaurants, at which point a look of recognition quickly came over Emma's face and she interrupted Cheryl's explanation to say "Ohhhh, and it was burnt?!"

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