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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bet ya just can't weight to hear more about it! (Thanks for listening anyway)

Kind of a boring, totally self-serving post here, but I am going to resort to self-body-shaming as added incentive to lose weight.

After 2-3 months of vacation and lots of really, I mean REALLY good eating, I topped out at 208 lbs as of August 7th, I think it was, when I weighed myself for the first time in months. I don't have to look at the dumb government definitions of Obese to know that I'm there.

(OK, I peeked, and well, yup:

So as of that day, I started cutting back on snacks between meals or desserts of any kind and have, with the exception of this past weekend, done a really good job of it.

(except when my loving and thoughtful, and normally far-more-supportive wife brings me a home treat like this from the Reading Terminal Market.)

As of Monday morning, August 17th, after the aforementioned bad (read: yummy) weekend, I was at 204, so I'm at least headed in the right direction, with a looooong way to go.

My semi-realistic goal is 193...but once I get there, and plateau for awhile, I'll try to start up again to get into the 180s.

Two years ago, I did my best diet...excuse me, I mean lifestyle change...wait, that sounds like I'm switching gender or sexual preference, so uh, eating-style adjustment (?!) and with HUGE help from Cheryl in the form of an amazing unconventional reward program that probably isn't appropriate to describe to this blog audience, I did get down to 187, I think it was.

And goodness gracious, did I ever have fun putting that weight back on! 

So, I’ll weigh in once a week on our scale and then weigh in here with how it’s going until I get to at least 193.

Anyone wanna race me?!


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