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Friday, March 15, 2019

I have a confession to make that, no surprise, puts me far outside the mainstream of current thought.

I hate memes.

I hate memes for the same reason I hate clichés: they are lazy. Well, I don't know if they are lazy so much as the person using them is. that I've admitted that, I'll also admit to having been inspired by one. This one:

  Image result for meme what if god sat on my bed

I saw that on the facebook page of one of my friends, whose page seems to generally consist of nothing but memes, and I read it, paused, and went on to something else. Then, about 3 days later, I woke up at precisely 6:10am (unusually early for me), and I had this thought coming out of whatever dream I'd just had:

If you are perplexed by what decision to make with some pressing issue in your life, the answer should always be:  

Choose Love. 

And if that answer doesn't fit, then neither the question, nor the answer, are really all that important.

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