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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Why, who and do I care?!


I started this blog, or actually this blog, which morphed into this one, shortly before I had access to Facebook and for better or worse, many of the things I would have posted here have been usurped by FB. This year, I think I will try to do a lot of double-posting to both there and here, so apologies in advance to anyone who sees both and wonders why.

Here is the first time I'm doing it, as it seems appropriate both because of the time of year but also because I am resolving to post here more often...which raises a few questions I've asked myself ("'Self', I asked...") many times:

- Why do I post anything here at all?

- Who is the audience I'm aiming it at?

- Do I care who reacts and how?

And the answers aren't easy...which explains why I've asked myself "many times". Part of the answer is that I write here for my own amusement. I actually do go back and read 5-10 of my most recent posts maybe 1-3 times a year and actually get a kick out of some of the things I've written. 

So part of the audience I'm apparently aiming at And I'm not terribly proud to admit it. But there are also three other audiences I'm aiming for. 

The first is my kids, who I'm fairly certain have never seen anything I've written on either blog but very likely will not long after I'm gone when they will still want some kind of connection with me besides the boxes of sports memorabilia that only Evie and possibly Ammar will have any interest in.

The second is my way-in-the-future descendants. I'd LOVE to come across something like this that my ancestors had written back in the 1700's...or 400's. Can you imagine?! 

And finally, it is written for any of my contemporaries who find it interesting in any way. Really the only two people who I know see it are you, Becca and Laurie. There are others who show on my "followers" list who theoretically get emails telling them that I've posted something, but I think it's a fair guess that they at best delete them upon delivery or they have asked that they go directly to their spam folder.

As for whether I care if anyone reacts - it's a total mixed bag, well, a mix of two in that bag. The first is that I sometimes wish no contemporaries would ever see any of this. I feel like it sometimes restricts what I write. The second is that a part of me wishes I had unlimited numbers of followers checking in daily (or more!) to see what wise pearl I've dropped. Again #NotProud.

As for how people react, sometimes when I write something I really like and no one reacts, I wonder if anyone even bothered to read it. And Laurie and Becca - you are (almost) always so nice in your responses, but there was a time when a local guy - Anthony would come on here from the right-wing crowd and argue with me, and part of me enjoyed it and me was annoyed by it. 

So...what the heck was I going to write about today anyway? Kidding - I'll post it separately.

Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. "I actually do go back and read 5-10 of my most recent posts maybe 1-3 times a year and actually get a kick out of some of the things I've written." I LOVE that!


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