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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Also known as Bizarro World

From the dailykos:

So, just to recap: In Far-Right Republican World…

Blowing up the U.S. economy is preferable to raising taxes a little bit on the richest Americans to help stabilize the U.S. economy.

Spending taxpayer money to help the poor and elderly is bad, but spending taxpayer money on subsidies for mega-profitable industries that don’t need them is good.

"All men are created equal" means all men. Except the gay ones.

"Our #1 priority is jobs jobs jobs" means "Our #1 priority is anything but jobs jobs jobs."

The fact that voter fraud is not a problem means voter fraud is a huge problem.

The fact that climate change and oil dependence are huge problems means climate change and oil dependence are not problems.

George Bush wasn't president for eight years---we went straight from America-destroyer Bill Clinton to America-destroyer Barack Obama.

If Republicans in the House and Senate vote to end Medicare in favor of health care by coupons, and it turns out to be a blunder of epic proportions, it never happened.

Rupert Murdoch is the de facto Minister of Information

Talk of secession is taken seriously.

Everything you need to know about science is in the Bible.

Suffering builds character, which is why we need more of it.

The prime directive is the destruction of one citizen---the guy in the White House---even if it comes at the expense of the other 311,747,129 citizens.

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