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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eagles game #1 post-mortem

So what did we learn from game #1, besides not much:

1 – Omar Gaither just cannot play MLB.
2 – When Stewart Bradley’s in the game, they actually have a pretty good defense, much better than I’d have thought when training camp opened.
3 - (as posted earlier) If they want to win as many games as possible this year, they should be starting Michael Vick. If they want to win as many games next year and for the foreseable future as possible, they should be starting Kevin Kolb. I'd go with Kolb, until or unless he proves he'll never be what they hoped he would be.
4- Shady McCoy is a talent. I loved that play for the TD – I don’t even remember seeing that play before.
5 – You rarely go wrong predicting that Andy Reid is going to throw the ball on any given play, but when the announcer asked out loud what play they might run on 4th and One at the end of the game, I answered it with total confidence – they’ll run left, behind Herremans. Turns out I was wrong. Herremans wasn’t in the game, but I was right about the play call.
6 – Bobby April has a lot to prove.
7 – They can still end up with a decent record this year, but a pretty decent draft pick seems more likely.

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