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Monday, February 6, 2012

Maybe we should contribute to buying Romney more air time so more people get to see him and dislike him?

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll is reporting a clear Obama lead in the fall election:
Fifty percent of Americans in this new ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Obama’s job performance, the most since spring. Fifty percent say he deserves re-election, better than Bill Clinton at the start of his re-election year and as good as George W. Bush a month before he won a second term. And Obama now leads Romney among registered voters by a slight 51-45 percent, the first time either has cracked 50 percent in a series of matchups since spring

ABC News cites economic recovery as a reason for Obama's improved job performance, but there's this:
...questions focused on Romney’s wealth, his low tax burden and, relatedly, his ability to connect with average Americans. Notably, 52 percent in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, say the more they hear about Romney the less they like him – double the number who like him more.

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